The Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of Technology (SMARTY 2018) international workshop will be held in Petrozavodsk, Karelia, one of the beautiful places in the North-West Russia, on September 21-25, 2018.
SMARTY workshop aims to bring together researchers working on the theoretical, algorithmic and methodological aspects of queueing theory, stochastic modeling and game theory, focusing on applications of such methods across a broad spectrum of technical systems with primary interest in High-Performance and Distributed Computing systems.
SMARTY 2018 sets up a working environment to share recent results on
- Stability and performance issues of stochastic models of high-performance and distributed computing systems, as well as other modern technologies;
- Game theoretic methods in queueing theory and analysis of high-performance and distributed computing systems.
Within this framework, we establish two tracks in the workshop:
- Stochastic Modeling and Applications
- Game Theory in Queueing
Invited speakers:
- Achyutha Krishnamoorthy (Kottayam, India)
- Garimella Rama Murthy (Hyderabad, India)
- Rein Nobel (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Students Day:
September 21th is dedicated to students and young researchers primary focusing on queueing theory, stochastic modeling and game theory in queueing. We expect several invited lectures and tutorials to inspire young researchers in those fields.
Proceedings shall be submitted to for online publication (indexed in SCOPUS). Selected papers would be recommended, after appropriate modification, to be submitted to Special Issue of theMathematical Game Theory and its Applications (Matematicheskaya Teoriya Igr i Ee Prilozheniya) journal (indexed in Web of Science Core Collection as a subset of Automation and Remote Control journal), which will undergo an independent evaluation process according to the regular standards of the journal.
A preliminary schedule of the workshop and the publication process is as follows:
- Registration starts – July 29, 2018
- Workshop abstracts/papers submission deadline – September 3, 2018
- Notification of acceptance – September 10, 2018
- Camera ready workshop papers – September 20, 2018
- SMARTY workshop – September 21-25, 2018
- Special Issue submission deadline – December 15, 2019
For the proceedings we recommend to use LaTeX with Springer LNCS template. Please also refer to Springer authors information page which provides the LaTeX and Word templates together with guidelines and help in preparing the workshop paper.
The official language of SMARTY'18 is English. We expect that the accepted abstracts/papers will be presented at the workshop.
We plan to make SMARTY workshop biannual. With the first SMARTY workshop we would like to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Prof. Evsey Morozov, who contributed so much for establishing the queueing community in Karelia.
Workshop Secretary: Alexander Rumyantsev, IAMR KRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Program Co-Chairs:
- Evsey Morozov, IAMR KRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia
- Achyutha Krishnamoorthy, Kottayam, India
- Vladimir Mazalov, IAMR KRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia
- Tuan Phung-Duc, Tsukuba, Japan
Program Committee:
Track SMA
- Srinivas Chakravarthy
- Deepak Thazhungal Govindan
- Udo Krieger
- Masakiyo Miyazawa
- Michele Pagano
- Irina Peshkova
- Rostislav Razumchik
- Miklos Telek
Track GTQ
- Evgeny Ivashnko
- Varghese C. Joshua
- Varghese Jacob
- Natalia Nikitina
- Andrey Pechnikov
- Manikandan Rangaswamy
- Anna Rettieva
Local Organizing Committee:
- Oleg Lukashenko,
- Ksenia Zhukova,
- Ruslana Nekrasova,
- Natalia Nikitina,
- Anton Kekkonen
Alexander Rumyantsev, workshop secretary,
We gratefully acknowledge Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Karelian Research Center of RAS and Petrozavodsk State University for their support of SMARTY workshop.
Stochastic Modeling and Applied Research of TechnologY has the most awesome program ever!
1. Stochastic Modeling and Applications
September 22 - 23, 2018 In 311
This track is dedicated to stability and performance issues of stochastic models of high-performance and distributed computing systems, as well as other modern technologies
2. Game Theory in Queueing
September 24 - 25, 2018 In 311
This track is dedicated to game theoretic methods in queueing theory and analysis of high-performance and distributed computing systems
Student's Day
September 21 2018 In 311
During this special track, we wish to invite Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students to visit motivational lectures by the outstanding professionals, as well as present their own works as a point...
Where to stay in Petrozavodsk
We recommend the following accommodations for your visit.